Assessing the impacts of mobility scenarios, Assessing the policy impacts of mobility scenarios, Assessing the potential impacts of policy measures, Assessing the progress of the city towards its mobility goals, Assessing the sustainability impacts of mobility scenarios, Autonomous mobility and cargo hitching, Autonomous Vehicles, Bundling of measures and integration into the policy cycle, Data, Data Analytics, Foreseeing - scenario building, Identification and prioritization of policy responses, Integrated mobility and micromobility, Integrating new mobility innovations, Intermodal passenger transportation, Intermodal urban freight transportation, IoT enabled smart parking for last mile deliveries, Is SPROUT tool, Mobility Solutions, National authorities, Public administration, Responding through policy measures and packages, Setting-up and implementing "mobility innovation" pilots, SPROUT Tool, Target User/s, Tool Type, Understanding drivers that affect the mobility system
- Target Users Public administration
- Tool type Data
- Application Time
The SPROUT project produced this overview of urban mobility stakeholders to identify actors and actors that influence urban mobility or may be affected by changes in the urban mobility system.
This tool has been extracted from D2.3 Urban mobility transition drivers.
Expected Outcome
Cities and research projects can use this catalog as starting point and inspiration to systematically compile a list of stakeholders that should participate and have a say in pilot projects.
SPROUT Project
Contact email
Geert.te.Boveldt [at] vub.be
Year of publication
Cost to user
Free / No Cost