Assessing the impacts of mobility scenarios, Assessing the sustainability impacts of mobility scenarios, Capacity Building Material, Guidance Document, Integrated mobility and micromobility, Intermodal passenger transportation, Is SPROUT tool, Local authorities, Mobility Solutions, SPROUT Tool, Target User/s, Tool Type
- Target Users Public administration
- Tool type Guidance document, Other
- Application Time
The SPROUT project produced this survey as a tool to better understand how the city-specific scenarios impact on the mobility system. The online-survey was targeted at stakeholders who were asked to estimate the impact of the specific scenario on aspects such as freight and passenger transport demand, modal shares, or the urban space allocation, the uptake of innovative mobility solutoins, or transport-related greenhouse gas emissions .
This tool has been extracted from D3.2 Sustainability impact analysis of city-specific scenarios.
Expected Outcome
The tool identifies the expected impacts of the urban mobility scenarios for 2025/2030 developed in Task 3.1.
SPROUT Project
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Year of publication
Cost to user
Free / No Cost