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The SPROUT project used the "Field opErational teST supporT Action" (FESTA) methodology which is an industrial V-Shaped model that ensures scientific rigor. It starts from the top with the “preparing” study to the “using” phase at the bottom, and then to the “analyzing” stage. V-shaped ensures all the boxes within each step are related. This tool helps to get a better view of the potential impact of the large-scale introduction of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on different impact areas.
FESTA is a Field Operational Tests (FOT) methodology. The FESTA handbook is available under this link: https://wiki.fot-net.eu/index.php/FESTA_Handbook
This tool has been extracted from D4.1 Pilot Evaluation Framework
Expected Outcome
FESTA provides a common Field Operational Tests (FOT) methodology, advocating a systematic and scientific approach that will help to get a better view of the potential impact of large-scale introduction of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on impact areas such as safety, mobility, traffic efficiency, and the environment.
SPROUT Project
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