SPROUT Toolbox
The urban mobility transition confronts cities with new challenges in dealing with technological innovations and disruptive changes. The SPROUT project aims at supporting cities in dealing with these developments under uncertainty through a dedicated approach that consists of
- Tools to understand the readiness of cities for dealing with the urban transition and to deploy innovations;
- Scenarios as means to derive images about possible future environments and to engage stakeholders; and
- Pilot projects are approaches to test innovative mobility solutions that could influence future urban mobility systems and to understand their potential impacts in real-life environments.
The toolbox provides practical guidance to city officials steering the mobility transition that cities face. It provides tools and methods developed and/or used during the SPROUT project and details their application areas, outputs, and functions in the policy cycle. Where possible and applicable, the toolbox provides assessments from city representatives.
The SPROUT toolbox provides tools, methods and data that cities can use to steer the mobility transition and harness its positive impacts. It represents the results of the SPROUT project, which were co-created by researchers and practitioners in the SPROUT demo projects.
SPROUT Project
SPROUT stands for Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban mobility Transition. The project kicked off in September 2019 and will be running for three years
The project consortium is led by the Zaragoza Logistics Center and brings together 29 partners from 15 countries including local and regional authorities, international organisations, transport authorities, and research institutes.
The rapidly changing urban mobility environment – characterised by emerging business models, new technologies, and disruptive innovations – represents a considerable challenge for urban mobility policy making. Previously tested urban mobility policy responses are not adequate to address the transition underway and to address today’s societal challenges and issues related to citizens’ everyday lives and businesses’ requirements.
It is in this complex scenario that the SPROUT project comes into action.
SPROUT is a project of real-life implementations, driven by six pilot cities backed by a robust academic support. The pilot cities will be testing different urban mobility solutions from which the project will create un understanding of the current state of urban mobility and of the main drivers of future change. The cities will look at likely impacts and operational feasibility, identify areas where policy interventions, such as revised regulations, will be needed and what policy response alternatives there are, and then test and validate the pilot solutions and assess their financial, environmental, and social impacts.
The overall objective is not just to prove out particular mobility solutions, but to create real improvements in the capacity of cities worldwide to think through their current and future mobility issues and build policy-making capacity at urban, national and international level.
More information on the SPROUT project:
- SPROUT Project main website