Audio-Visual Material, Autonomous mobility and cargo hitching, Autonomous Vehicles, Calculation Tool, Data Analytics, Foreseeing - scenario building, Guidance Document, Integrated mobility and micromobility, Intermodal passenger transportation, Intermodal urban freight transportation, IoT enabled smart parking for last mile deliveries, Mobility Solutions, NOT a SPROUT tool, Public administration, SPROUT Tool, Target User/s, Tool Type, Understanding the current state of the urban mobilty system
- Target Users Public administration
- Tool type Guidance document, Calculation tool, Audio-visual material
- Application Time
SUMI are a set of 14 core iand 5 non-core indicators for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their existing mobility system. The SUMI are linked to the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and are an attempt to harmonise mobility-realted data collection across Europe. The SUMI website also comprises an e-course
Expected Outcome
Understanding of the strnghts and weaknesses of a city's existing mobility system.
European Commission
Contact email
Year of publication
Cost to user
Free / No Cost
Pre-requisite skills
Data requirement
Quantitaitve socio-economic and demograhic data, quantified mobility-related data